Poem Medicine

Poetry is medicine and there are no side effects! Poems help you to experience life, emotions, and so much more! Join me on my journey of loving poems and using them in times of joy, trouble, so many things!

Unresponsive Sky published by Purple Unicorn Media

My new poetry book, Unresponsive Sky, published by Purple Unicorn Media

LB Sedlacek’s latest poetry collection, “Unresponsive Sky,” embarks on an exploration that traverses the vast expanse of the cosmos and delves into the intricacies of our everyday existence and beyond. It is a poetic odyssey that poses a myriad of questions ranging from celestial inquiries, enigmatic silences of the universe and the allure of Earth-like planets in distant galaxies. Poems seem as if they’re written from a vantage point of a comet hurtling through space yet descending into the ordinary while pondering the impact of humanity on the environment, contemplating the existence of artificial life and delving into other uncharted territories.

Within the pages of this new poetry book, readers will find answers that may be comforting but also unsettling. Sedlacek encourages the contemplation of our complex reality comparing it to an unyielding sky. Imagine mixing cosmic musings and a dose of astronomy while adding a bit of whimsical fantasy to then savor this collection as you buckle up and take an enchanting ride through the poetic cosmos of “Unresponsive Sky.”

LB Sedlacek’s newest poetry collection asks a lot of questions: from the celestial (about the silence in the universe, the closest earth-like planets, the view from a comet) to the everyday (the human impact on the environment, the nature of robots, a dog’s possible extra senses). And we get answers, some of which are comforting, some that are not, but all of which force readers to think about our reality both on Earth and beyond. The collection may be titled Unresponsive Sky, but Sedlacek uses its pages to convey more than just a response to the ponderings within its stanzas. She makes us wonder about our existence, and she helps us understand that we can make that existence better for all if we are only willing to engage in complicated thought. What greater compliment to a collection of poetry is there? – Jared Morningstar, author of Lost in America

“If you were to mix a cup of cosmic musings with a healthy dose 
of astronomy, a teaspoon of fantasy, and a pinch of whimsy, what 
would you get? The latest poetry collection by L.B. Sedlacek! Extremely 
well-written, these poems are not only entertaining but also rather addictive. 
Yes, this book is hard to put down. So fasten your seatbelt. 
“Unresponsive Sky” is a delightful ride! Highly recommend.” -Laura Stamps, author of “My Friend Tells Me She Wants A Dog”